NYC Coffee Shop Loyalty App

Product Design

User Research

Interaction Design

User Research & App Design

As part of my UX certification course, I was tasked with designing a loyalty app for a coffee shop chain that enabled users to find a work-friendly location with a streamlined ordering process

phase 1: Understanding the user and starting the design

  • I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the flow of emotions for all typical users throughout coffee shop interaction (ordering, paying, delivering, and beyond). A primary user group identified through research was adults working from home who are looking for a space to recharge outside the home

  • This user group research revealed that space was not the only factor pushing users out of the home; other considerations included the desire for personal connection to their neighborhoods and New York focused products

  • After sketching five different paper wireframes, I selected elements I liked from each and combined them to a refined wireframe that maximized user value

phase 2: wireframes & Lo-Fi prototype

  • After building out digital wireframes in figma, I conducted a usability study to identify any pain points in the current design
  • During the study, it was determined that most users found the navigation buttons difficult to press
  • To address the difficulty navigating the app, the back button thickness was increased, the close button was enlarged and sensitivity expanded, and the items text were enlarged and spaced
  • Users also expressed interest in being able to see the map location and location details at the same time
  • To address this, interactions were added to the blue markers to link to individual location pages

phase 3: Hi-Fi prototype

  •  Once the key design points were settled, I built out a high-fidelity prototype with fully formed visual elements and interactions to simulate the true app user experience